Adding Languages
Mode:Batch Deployments:Virtual ApplianceAdding languages is currently only supported for batch
mode, if you need extra realtime languages please reach out to Support.
If you have access to the Speechmatics Container Repository, you can install additional CPU-only languages on the Appliance.
Log into the appliance using SSH with the username smadmin
, as described in Remote Access. At the commandline, run the
script. You will be prompted for credentials for the Speechmatics Container Repository.
You will need to know which version of the images are compatible with your appliance, this will be documented here, but until then reach out to Support. Language codes are the standard two-letter ISO codes used in configuring transcription, for example: "de", "fr".
Before running the script credentials for the Speechmatics need to be set in the environment. If you need access to the Speechmatics container repository please reach out to Support.
export CRICTL_AUTH=<username>:<password>
# add
$ sudo <version> <language-code> [<language-code> ...]
# remove
$ sudo -r <language-code> [<language-code> ...]
Running the configure language script requires superuser access.
After the script has completed, the new language will be available to use.
Adding a transcription language with this script will also make it available for auto
Language Identification.
If something appears to have gone wrong after running the script, the system configuration can be restored by running
sudo kubectl apply -f /root/.siab_deployment/k8s/bjapi.yaml
To assist Speechmatics Support, running this command will show the currently configured languages:
kubectl get -o json deployment/api | \
jq -r '.spec.template.spec.containers[0].env[]|select(.name="SM_FEATURES_VALIDATION").value'
This command will print a configuration file, under batch->transcription->languages
there should be a section like:
"batch": {
"transcription": [
"version": "latest",
"languages": [