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SSL Configuration

Mode:Batch Realtime   Deployments:Virtual Appliance

When the Appliance is imported, it contains a default self-signed certificate, so you can use HTTPS to access the Appliance via the Management, Monitoring and Speech APIs. However, we recommend replacing this default SSL certificate with your own certificate, signed by your Organisation or a trusted third-party Certificate Authority (CA).

Default Behaviour

By default, our Appliances allow connections over HTTP. The services on the Appliance expose several ports for HTTP access, such as 80 for the Management API and 9001 for the Monitoring API.

Since version 3.4.0 of the Appliances, we also support HTTPS access to these services over port 443. To use HTTPS change the protocol used for API calls from 'http' to 'https', and remove the port from the URL. If you are copying the examples from this document you can set the $APPLIANCE_HOST environment variable like this: export APPLIANCE_HOST=localhost.

Management API Examples

curl -L -u admin:$PWD -X 'GET' \

To modify this to use a secure API call, change http:// to https://:

curl -L -u admin:$PWD -X 'GET' \

If you are using a self-signed certificate (your own, or the Speechmatics certificate used by default), then you will see a warning like this when using the above curl command:

curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate

Warning: The default SSL certificate on the Appliance is a self-signed certificate created by Speechmatics, which is not signed by any Certificate Authority. Your HTTP client or web browser may warn that this is insecure. This warning can be suppressed, for example with cURL by adding the --insecure flag, however customers who are serious about security should not be using the self-signed certificate. We recommend uploading your own SSL certificate to the Appliance. Instructions for doing this can be found below.

Important: We have added --insecure to some of the cURL examples in this document so that the command trusts the self-signed certificate. You won't need this option once you've uploaded your own certificate and configured your own system to trust it.

Speech API Example


Access to the REST Speech API, is also possible via HTTPS:

curl --insecure -L -X 'GET' "https://${APPLIANCE_HOST}/v2/jobs/"

Websocket Example


Access to the Websocket, is also possible via a secure websocket:

speechmatics transcribe --lang en ${PATH_TO_AUDIO_FILE} --url "wss://${APPLIANCE_HOST}:9004/v2/en" --ssl-mode insecure

The above example requires the Speechmatics python client to be installed see Speechmatics python

Using your Own SSL certificate and Private Key

To use your own SSL certificate, you'll need to upload your certificate file as well as the associated private key file.

  • The private key file normally has a '.key' extension and should look similar to the example below.
... 21 lines redacted ...

We do not currently support encrypted/password protected private key files.

  • The certificate file should be PEM encoded and normally has an '.crt' or '.pem' extension. It should look similar to this:
... 32 lines redacted ...

Both files should be in PKCS8 format. If you have to upload a certificate chain, then the file you upload should contain the individual certificates concatenated, with your organization's certificate first.

Uploading the Certificate and Key to the Appliance

To upload your own certificate to the Appliance, you will need to make a POST request to the /v2/security/sslcertificate endpoint. This can be done using an HTTP client on the commandline or with the Management Interface in a browser.

With the example shown here set APPLIANCE_HOST as appropriate (e.g. export APPLIANCE_HOST=localhost if your Appliance is running locally):

curl --insecure -L -u admin:$PWD -X 'POST' "https://${APPLIANCE_HOST}/v2/security/sslcertificate" \
    -F "keyfile=@appliance.key" -F "certfile=@appliance.crt"

Warning: Do not upload these files over HTTP, or you risk leaking the private key for your certificate.

If the upload succeeds, then you should receive an HTTP 200 response.

Be aware that setting a new certificate will reconfigure the Kubernetes ingress in the Appliance which can take around five seconds. During this period, requests will still be served, however, the old certificate will be used. Existing connections such as job uploads or WebSocket streams will not be interrupted.

You can check the certificate on the Appliance by using the openssl tool:

openssl s_client -connect ${APPLIANCE_HOST}:443

Disabling HTTP Access

If desired, HTTP access may be disabled, which will cause any requests to the Appliance using HTTP to redirect to HTTPS. To do this, make a POST request to the /v2/security/insecureports endpoint, with a JSON body containing {"enable_insecure_ports": false}:

curl -L -u admin:$PWD -X 'POST' \
  "http://${APPLIANCE_HOST}/v2/security/insecureports" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"enable_insecure_ports": false}'

If the request succeeded then you should receive an HTTP 200 response. The web server in the Appliance will take around five seconds to restart. Now, when attempting to make an HTTP request to the Appliance you will be redirected to an https endpoint instead.

curl -X 'GET' "http://${APPLIANCE_HOST}/v2/management/host/about"
< HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
< Location: https://${APPLIANCE_HOST}/v2/management/host/about

Configure Basic Authentication for Admin

By default the username and password for HTTP basic authentication are both set to admin.

To set your own password, make a POST request to the /v2/security/adminpassword endpoint. The username for basic auth is always admin and cannot be changed.

curl --insecure -L -u admin:admin -X 'POST' \
  "https://${APPLIANCE_HOST}/v2/security/adminpassword" \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{ "password": "example" }'

If this request was successful, then you should receive an HTTP 200 response with a success message. The web server in the Appliance will take around five seconds to restart. All requests to management API endpoints will now require a valid Authorization header as specified by RFC7617. Unauthenticated requests will fail, for example:

$ curl -X 'GET' "http://${APPLIANCE_HOST}/v2/management/host/about"
401 Unauthorized

Authenticated requests should succeed. If you are using curl then the --user flag can be used to set the username and password (separated with a colon). If you're using the Management Interface in a browser than a prompt will appear for a username and password.

curl -L --user "admin:$PWD" -X GET "http://${APPLIANCE_HOST}/v2/management/host/about"


How do I Reset the SSL settings?

If you have made a mistake in your SSL configuration, it is possible to reset the Appliance to its default settings. This will return it to using the self-signed certificate from Speechmatics, and will delete any configured admin password. If you have disabled HTTP access, then you need to know the existing admin password to do this.

To do this, make a DELETE request to the /v2/security/reset endpoint:

$ curl -L -u "admin:$PWD" -X 'DELETE' "http://${APPLIANCE_HOST}/v2/security/reset"

What if I Forget the Admin Password?

If you have forgotten the admin password you set, and have disabled HTTP access to the Appliance then it will not be possible to interact with the Appliance over HTTP/HTTPS. Fortunately, there is a way to reset the password if you have direct access to the Appliance's console (through the hypervisor that you use) or via SSH.

# This command will open the vi editor
kubectl edit secret management-auth-secret
# Replace the line
# users: <base64 hash of the forgotten password>
# with
# users: YWRtaW46JDJ5JDA1JFExeFBVUFJyRG96LzQwWEZuN09aVHVtV1dzallUeWlhOHo1ZUkvWHpHRUhSUng0dXRyM2UyCg==

# Restart the management-api service
kubectl rollout restart deployment/management-api

This specific value will reset the password to admin.

What Versions of SSL/TLS do you Support?

We support TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3. We do not support earlier versions of TLS/SSL as these are considered weak. In general, we would recommend you keep your client frameworks up to date with the latest security patches and try to use the strictest TLS configuration that you can.

What Cipher Suites do you Support?

For TLS 1.3 we support the following cipher suites that are considered strong (in server preferred order):

  • TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
  • TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
  • TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256

For TLS 1.2, we support the following cipher suites that are considered strong (in server preferred order):


Other cipher suites are available for TLS 1.2, but they are considered to be weak. Our recommendation is that you select one of the above cipher suites.